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Saved queries

Saved queries are a way to save commonly used queries in MetricFlow. You can group metrics, dimensions, and filters that are logically related into a saved query. Saved queries are nodes and visible in the dbt DAGA DAG is a Directed Acyclic Graph, a type of graph whose nodes are directionally related to each other and don’t form a directional closed loop..

Saved queries serve as the foundational building block, allowing you to configure exports in your saved query configuration. Exports takes this functionality a step further by enabling you to schedule and write saved queries directly within your data platform using dbt Cloud's job scheduler.


To create a saved query, refer to the following table parameters.


Note that we use the double colon (::) to indicate whether a parameter is nested within another parameter. So for example, query_params::metrics means the metrics parameter is nested under query_params.

nameStringRequiredName of the saved query object.
descriptionStringRequiredA description of the saved query.
labelStringRequiredThe display name for your saved query. This value will be shown in downstream tools.
configStringOptionalUse the config property to specify configurations for your saved query. Supports cache, enabled, export_as, group, meta, tags, and schema configurations.
config::cache::enabledObjectOptionalAn object with a sub-key used to specify if a saved query should populate the cache. Accepts sub-key true or false. Defaults to false
query_paramsStructureRequiredContains the query parameters.
query_params::metricsList or StringOptionalA list of the metrics to be used in the query as specified in the command line interface.
query_params::group_byList or StringOptionalA list of the Entities and Dimensions to be used in the query, which include the Dimension or TimeDimension.
query_params::whereList or StringOptionalA list of strings that may include the Dimension or TimeDimension objects.
exportsList or StructureOptionalA list of exports to be specified within the exports structure.
exports::nameStringRequiredName of the export object.
exports::configList or StructureRequiredA config property for any parameters specifying the export.
exports::config::export_asStringRequiredThe type of export to run. Options include table or view currently and cache in the near future.
exports::config::schemaStringOptionalThe schema for creating the table or view. This option cannot be used for caching.
exports::config::aliasStringOptionalThe table alias used to write to the table or view. This option cannot be used for caching.

If you use multiple metrics in a saved query, then you will only be able to reference the common dimensions these metrics share in the group_by or where clauses. Use the entity name prefix with the Dimension object, like Dimension('user__ds').

Configure saved query

Use saved queries to define and manage common Semantic Layer queries in YAML, including metrics and dimensions. Saved queries enable you to organize and reuse common MetricFlow queries within dbt projects. For example, you can group related metrics together for better organization, and include commonly used dimensions and filters.

In your saved query config, you can also leverage caching with the dbt Cloud job scheduler to cache common queries, speed up performance, and reduce compute costs.

In the following example, you can set the saved query in the semantic_model.yml file:

- name: test_saved_query
description: "{{ doc('saved_query_description') }}"
label: Test saved query
enabled: true | false
tags: 'my_tag'
- simple_metric
- "Dimension('user__ds')"
- "{{ Dimension('user__ds', 'DAY') }} <= now()"
- "{{ Dimension('user__ds', 'DAY') }} >= '2023-01-01'"
- name: my_export
export_as: table
alias: my_export_alias
schema: my_export_schema_name

Note, that you can set export_as to both the saved query and the exports config, with the exports config value taking precedence. If a key isn't set in the exports config, it will inherit the saved query config value.

Where clause

Use the following syntax to reference entities, dimensions, time dimensions, or metrics in filters and refer to Metrics as dimensions for details on how to use metrics as dimensions with metric filters:

filter: | 
{{ Entity('entity_name') }}

filter: |
{{ Dimension('primary_entity__dimension_name') }}

filter: |
{{ TimeDimension('time_dimension', 'granularity') }}

filter: |
{{ Metric('metric_name', group_by=['entity_name']) }}

Project-level saved queries

To enable saved queries at the project level, you can set the saved-queries configuration in the dbt_project.yml file. This saves you time in configuring saved queries in each file:

enabled: true

For more information on dbt_project.yml and config naming conventions, see the dbt_project.yml reference page.

To build saved_queries, use the --resource-type flag and run the command dbt build --resource-type saved_query.

Configure exports

Exports are an additional configuration added to a saved query. They define how to write a saved query, along with the schema and table name.

Once you've configured your saved query and set the foundation block, you can now configure exports in the saved_queries YAML configuration file (the same file as your metric definitions). This will also allow you to run exports automatically within your data platform using dbt Cloud's job scheduler.

The following is an example of a saved query with an export:

- name: order_metrics
description: Relevant order metrics
- order_metrics
- orders
- large_order
- food_orders
- order_total
- Entity('order_id')
- TimeDimension('metric_time', 'day')
- Dimension('customer__customer_name')
- ... # Additional group_by
- "{{TimeDimension('metric_time')}} > current_timestamp - interval '1 week'"
- ... # Additional where clauses
- name: order_metrics
export_as: table # Options available: table, view
alias: my_export_alias # Optional - defaults to Export name
schema: my_export_schema_name # Optional - defaults to deployment schema

Run exports

Once you've configured exports, you can now take things a step further by running exports to automatically write saved queries within your data platform using dbt Cloud's job scheduler. This feature is only available with the dbt Cloud's Semantic Layer.

For more information on how to run exports, refer to the Exports documentation.


 Can I have multiple exports in a single saved query?
 How can I select saved_queries by their resource type?